Individual Therapy
Every individual is unique, valuable and engaged in the same human struggle we all face. I can meet you where you are and will help you discover and release old wounds, limiting blocks and unhealthy patterns that keep you from experiencing the richness of life and relationships. You will turn struggle and pain into contentment and confidence. Sessions bring relief, stimulate growth and promote healing. Through your work with me, you will become better equipped to move forward in your life with new tools that provide a greater degree of clarity and self-assurance. Decisions and transitions will no longer be as stressful.
Adolescent Counseling
Adolescence is a time of tremendous physical, mental and emotional growth. During this time in life, the brain changes so that the world becomes a much larger place — sometimes overwhelmingly so. Adolescents develop their relationship to pain at this time. It’s important that this relationship be a healthy one, wherein pain and loss are understood to be a natural part of life from which people recover. If not guided, however, adolescents may see pain as something to be avoided with the use of mind altering substances, self-harming behavior or adrenal-causing acting out. They may feel a victim of it. The outcome of adolescence impacts functioning throughout the rest of the life cycle.
Couples Therapy
My goal in couples therapy is to help you and your partner reconnect, to restore the intimacy you once enjoyed and to build better bonds. Each of you is coping to the best of your ability; there is no bad guy. “It takes two to tango.” Every individual comes to a relationship with a personal manual, or set of expectations, of how relationships should be. Often the contents of these manuals don’t match, and you find that being in relationship is confusing and stressful, without knowing why. Problems occur when the behavior of one partner does not meet the expectations of the other. In counseling, I can help you both discover the underlying emotions, expectations and beliefs that keep you stuck in rigid stances and negative interactions. It is normal for couples to struggle, and having an objective observer notice where and why communication breaks down is often quite helpful.
Mental Health
- Bipolar and other Mood Disorders
- Dual Diagnoses
- Anger Management
- Suicidal Ideation
Family Concerns
- Premarital and Marital Relationships
- Pregnancy, Prenatal/Postpartum
- Parenting
- Adoption
- Divorce
- Conflict
- Domestic Abuse
Self Image Issues
- Peer Relationships
- Self Esteem
- Self-Harming Behavior
- Physical, Emotional and Sexual Abuse
- Loss and Grief
- Women’s Issues
- Spirituality
My psychotherapy methods include: attachment based therapy, psychodynamic counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), marital therapy, humanistic psychology, and mindfulness psychology. Read more about Jeri Ryan, psychotherapist, and my approach to psychotherapy services.